Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cook! Cook! Till Gemok!


Seriously rindu nak berblogging and share tons of pictures to the world. Okay, tu perasan. Macam satu dunia ni kenal I and they really waiting for my posts. Daaa~

Yesterday, Aween and I had join a competition. Ala-ala Masterchef, really?? Nope! Just kind of. It's called Jaguh Masak for KAB Open Day and KAB was my hostel before I had kicked out and be independent student! 

Back to real story, to be real not just us, Aween ajak kawan baik dia join sekali. Huh, really 'cool' laa. Urghh! He, make me sick! Back again, theme for the cook thing is  macaroni. I memang tak pernah masak macaroni  before this. Then Aween and I just tibai jew nak masak  apa. Not even planning! Guess what, its worked! We won the third  prize. Okay laa, at least pulang modal and dapat keuntungan about RM6.66 seorang. Hahahaa.

And  here the third placed macaroni look and Aween named it,  Makaroni Cinta.

From the top look

The Macaroni

Been processed for uploading on internet

Kitorang kalah dengan Johorean team. And diakui they cooked really well with good presentation. Well, kitorang ni amateur. Thanks Aween sebab ajak join this thing. Whole new experience.

Today, I  dah masak puding roti. As a first timer, okay laa.

The puding roti~~~~~~

Yeah, I love blogging about what I have cook. Sharing it with the world, as I dream. Hehe. And that's it. Done blogging, sambung kara-KO dalam bilik. Bye!

Food Lover,


  1. Oit ! He is not my 'BEST FRIEND' la ~ just my friend. *Grrr. . ada jugak nak kena ni
